Dogecoin Falls as Much as 9% After Twitter Drops Doge Meme from Home Button

Why Dogecoin Falls : Dogecoin, the cryptocurrency that started as a joke, has become a popular investment option in recent years. However, the value of Dogecoin has been volatile, with frequent fluctuations in price due to various factors. In the latest news, Dogecoin fell as much as 9% after Twitter dropped the Doge meme from its home button.

This article will explore the reasons behind the drop in Dogecoin’s value, the impact of social media on cryptocurrencies, and what investors should consider when investing in Dogecoin.

What is Dogecoin ?

Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency that was created in 2013 as a joke by two software engineers, Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer. The cryptocurrency is based on the popular internet meme of the Shiba Inu dog. Despite being created as a joke, Dogecoin has gained a cult following and has even been endorsed by celebrities such as Elon Musk.


Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency that was created as a joke in 2013 by two software engineers, Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer. It features the likeness of a popular internet meme, a Shiba Inu dog, and has gained a cult following on social media platforms like Reddit and Twitter.

Despite its humorous origins, Dogecoin has emerged as a serious investment option for many people, with its value skyrocketing in recent years. In this article, we will explore the history of Dogecoin, its unique features, and its potential as an investment opportunity.

History of Dogecoin

Dogecoin was created in 2013 as a parody of other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Litecoin. Its founders, Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer, were inspired by a popular internet meme featuring a Shiba Inu dog with broken English captions. They created Dogecoin as a way to poke fun at the proliferation of new cryptocurrencies and the hype surrounding them.

Despite its humorous origins, Dogecoin quickly gained a following on social media platforms like Reddit and Twitter. Users began using Dogecoin to tip each other for posting funny or interesting content, and the cryptocurrency gained a reputation as a friendly and welcoming community.

Dogecoin’s value remained relatively stable for several years, with one Dogecoin worth less than a cent for most of its early history.

However, in 2021, Dogecoin’s value skyrocketed, driven in part by the attention of high-profile celebrities like Elon Musk and Mark Cuban. Musk, in particular, has been a vocal supporter of Dogecoin, tweeting about it frequently and even sending a literal Dogecoin to the moon aboard a SpaceX rocket. At its peak in May 2021, one Dogecoin was worth over 70 cents, a remarkable increase from its early days.

Features of Dogecoin

Dogecoin shares many features with other cryptocurrencies, such as being decentralized, transparent, and secure. It operates on a peer-to-peer network, meaning that transactions are verified and recorded by other users rather than a central authority. This makes it resistant to hacking and fraud, as the network is distributed across thousands of computers worldwide.

One unique feature of Dogecoin is its inflationary supply. Unlike Bitcoin, which has a fixed maximum supply of 21 million coins, Dogecoin has no maximum limit on the number of coins that can be created. Instead, new Dogecoins are created through a process called mining, in which users solve complex mathematical problems to verify transactions and earn new coins as a reward. This means that the supply of Dogecoin is constantly increasing, albeit at a decreasing rate over time.

Another feature of Dogecoin is its low transaction fees. Because Dogecoin has a relatively low market value compared to other cryptocurrencies, its fees are often lower than those of Bitcoin or Ethereum. This makes it an attractive option for users who want to send small amounts of money quickly and cheaply.

Investing in Dogecoin

Investing in Dogecoin can be a risky proposition, as with any cryptocurrency. Its value is highly volatile, meaning that it can fluctuate dramatically in short periods of time. For example, in May 2021, Dogecoin’s value dropped by 30% in a single day after Musk appeared on Saturday Night Live and joked about the cryptocurrency.

That being said, investing in Dogecoin can also be highly rewarding for those who are willing to take the risk. Its value has increased dramatically over the past year, and some analysts predict that it could continue to rise in the future. However, it is important to do your own research and understand the risks involved before investing in any cryptocurrency.

The Impact of Social Media on Dogecoin

Social media has played a significant role in the popularity of Dogecoin. The cryptocurrency gained attention on Reddit and Twitter, where users created memes and engaged in discussions about the cryptocurrency. Elon Musk’s tweets about Dogecoin have also influenced its value, with his tweets causing a surge in Dogecoin’s price. However, the recent decision by Twitter to drop the Doge meme from its home button has had a negative impact on the cryptocurrency’s value.

Twitter’s Decision to Drop Doge Meme

Twitter recently changed its home button to a silhouette of a person, dropping the Doge meme that had been featured on the button. The change was made to create a more inclusive and accessible design. However, the decision had an unexpected impact on Dogecoin’s value. The cryptocurrency fell as much as 9% after the change was made, demonstrating the impact of social media on cryptocurrencies.

Factors Affecting Dogecoin’s Value

 Dogecoin Falls :"Dogecoin logo, a stylized image of a Shiba Inu dog with the word 'Dogecoin' written in bold letters."
Image Source : Google

The value of Dogecoin is affected by various factors, including supply and demand, market sentiment, and news and events. The recent decision by Twitter to drop the Doge meme is an example of how news and events can have an immediate impact on the value of the cryptocurrency. Other factors that can affect Dogecoin’s value include:

Market Sentiment

The sentiment of investors towards Dogecoin can affect its value. Positive sentiment can lead to an increase in demand for the cryptocurrency, while negative sentiment can lead to a decrease in demand.

Supply and Demand

The supply and demand of Dogecoin can affect its value. If there is a high demand for the cryptocurrency and a limited supply, the value of Dogecoin can increase. Conversely, if there is a high supply and low demand, the value of Dogecoin can decrease.

News and Events

News and events can also affect the value of Dogecoin. Positive news, such as endorsements from celebrities, can lead to an increase in the cryptocurrency’s value. Negative news, such as regulatory crackdowns, can lead to a decrease in value.

Investing in Dogecoin

Investing in Dogecoin can be risky due to its volatility. The cryptocurrency is not backed by any tangible asset or government, making it susceptible to wild fluctuations in value. Investors should consider the following factors before investing in Dogecoin:

Risk Tolerance

Investing in Dogecoin can be risky, and investors should have a high tolerance for risk. It is essential to understand the risks involved and be prepared for potential losses.

Market Conditions

Market conditions can affect the value of Dogecoin. Investors should keep an eye on market sentiment, news, and events that could impact the value.

Technical Analysis

Technical analysis can be used to analyze the trends and patterns in the value of Dogecoin. Investors can use various technical indicators, such as moving averages and relative strength index (RSI), to identify potential entry and exit points.


Investors should consider diversifying their cryptocurrency portfolio and not rely solely on Dogecoin. Diversification can help mitigate the risks associated with investing in volatile assets.


Dogecoin’s value fell as much as 9% after Twitter dropped the Doge meme from its home button. The incident highlights the impact of social media on cryptocurrencies and demonstrates the volatility of Dogecoin. Investors should consider various factors, such as risk tolerance, market conditions, technical analysis, and diversification, before investing in Dogecoin.


What caused Dogecoin’s value to drop after Twitter changed its home button design ?

Twitter’s decision to drop the Doge meme from its home button design had an unexpected negative impact on Dogecoin’s value.

Why is Dogecoin so popular ?

Despite being created as a joke, Dogecoin has gained a cult following on social media, including Reddit and Twitter

What factors can affect the value of Dogecoin ?

The value of Dogecoin can be affected by supply and demand, market sentiment, news and events, and technical analysis.

Is Dogecoin a good investment ?

Investing in Dogecoin can be risky due to its volatility. Investors should consider various factors, such as risk tolerance, market conditions, technical analysis, and diversification, before investing in Dogecoin.

Should I invest in Dogecoin ?

The decision to invest in Dogecoin should be based on various factors, such as risk tolerance, market conditions, and diversification. It is essential to understand the risks involved and be prepared for potential losses.

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